Terms of Service
Created On March 09,
Large amounts of personal data generated
in the country are stored across
servers, networks and several filing
systems in different locations
(electronically & manually), locally and
abroad. The information systems used in
the collection and storage of such
personal data can pose considerable
challenges to one’s right to privacy. As
this trend continues to grow rapidly
with increasingly sophisticated
technology with extensive abilities to
hold large amounts of data, it is
necessary to address privacy concerns
with data protection laws.
Personal data include all data on a
given or identifiable individual that is
disclosed to us or that is generated or
collected by us, e.g. the enquiries from
a call center, subscribing to and
utilizing any of our services and the
contact data respectively provided by
you in these cases i.e. particularly
your name and your e-mail address.
Hellio is pleased to announce that it
has secured the Data Protection
Certificate to support Mobile Money
Integration with Telecommunication
Service Providers in Ghana such as MTN,
Airtel and Tigo etc. Hellio values the
importance of protecting your privacy
when handling personal data. Personal
data shall only be collected and
utilized by us if this is permitted by a
statutory provision or if we have
received your prior consent.
The Data Protection certificate is
awarded by the Data Protection
Commission to registered organizations
who process personal data.
About the Data Protection Commission
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is
an independent statutory body
established under the Data Protection
Act, 2012 (Act 843) to protect the
privacy of the individual and personal
data by regulating the processing of
personal information. The Commission
provides for the process to obtain,
hold, use or disclose personal
information and for other related issues
bordering on the protection of personal