Sign up for free First things first, let's head over to helliomessaging, and sign up for a free test account - no credit card is required to sign up and start testing. Begin by completing all the required fields, check your inbox for the confirmation email and tadaaa! 🎉 You now have an active Hellio Messaging account.
Claim free test credits & API Key First, we need to verify you're human by clicking on the verification email sent to your email during your registration and as a reward, you'll receive 10 free test credits that you can use to test Hellio Messaging’s APIs. Pro-Tip: You can only use test credits to send messages to your own verified number. You can skip this step and go straight to top-up your balance and/or purchasing a virtual mobile number. If you run out of test credits but aren't quite done testing, just let us know at; we'd love to help.
Get your API Key To enable any Hellio Messaging SDK, you’ll need to provide an API access key. So let's create your live API access key. First, go to the Hellio Messaging Dashboard; if you have already created an API key it will be shown on your account settings on under the API Keys & Webhooks tab. Here, you can generate new API keys and manage your existing ones. If you’re having any issues creating your API key, please reach out to; we’re on standby to assist you promptly 24/7.
Top-up via your Dashboard Just click the Buy Credit button in the top right-hand corner of your Dashboard. You choose your desired amount, proceed to checkout and select your payment method. Keep in mind that the minimum balance purchase amount is GHC 50.
How to get support We provides support for bugfixes and guidance on using our platform. To access support, open a ticket at our support system.
Giving Feedback We strive to improve our products and we rely on feedback from our customers. Please feel free to tweet at us @HellioMessaging.